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Doom 3 + Sikkmod + HiGH Textures Wulfen + HR Textures [Rus/Eng] (Mod/1.1) Repacked by RG ReCoding


Release date: August 5, 2004
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: id Software and Splash Damage
Publisher: Activision
Language: English, Russian
Sound language: Russian, English
Publication Type: RePack
Game Version: 1.3.1

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 2000 / XP / 7
Additional software: DirectX 9.0b
Processor: 1.5 GHz
Memory: 512 MB
Video: video card with 128 MB of RAM
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible, 16-bit
Free space on hard disk: 2.2 GB free space 400 MB for swap-file

Features Repack
Do not cut;
Nothing is converted;
Installed patch 1.3.1;
Installed: Sikkmod 1.1 (activated in the game), HiGH Textures Wulfen, HR Textures;
Installation time: ~ 1-2 minutes;
RG ReCoding

Installation notes
- Installation is in russian, but everything\'s already been set to english. Just continuously press next (in this case the ???? looking button)
- After installation, follow instructions below:

Go to where you installed the game and go into the base folder.
In my case it\'s: D:\\Games\\Doom 3\\base and now open autoexec (it\'s a .cfg file) with notepad!
Change the following:
seta r_customWidth "1920"
seta r_customHeight "1080"
seta r_mode "-1"

1920 x 1080 is just an example.
If you\'re native monitor resolution is 1680x1080, then it would look like this:
seta r_customWidth "1680"
seta r_customHeight "1080"
Now save and exit autoexec.cfg

Last part:
- Run game from desktop
- In menu, go to settings and change graphics settings to anything you want (i would suggest high to very high and also textures to high/very high in advanced)
If you do not have a very strong pc, i would suggest turning off anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering. But v-sync can be turned on without a problem.
- Play and have fun!

- Use maximum 8xAA, do not go above it or else resolution and settings will keep resetting!
- If you still experience problems, change seta r_mode "-1" into seta r_mode "1"

This is the ultimate High Definition Doom 3 version.
But expansion Resurrection of Evil is not included.

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