Tekkit 3.1.2 Client (minecraft 1.2.5)
Minecraft 1.2.5
FML v2.2.106.176
Minecraft Forge
Optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6
42 Mods Loaded
1. Go here to get the BEST portable launcher available - http://minecraftportable.is-great.net/index.php?p=1_2_Downloads
2. Download 32bit or 64bit version (64bit version is needed in order to use upto 8gb ram)
3. Extract launcher to any folder (even a thumbdrive) eg. "c:\\MCPortable"
4. If you dont own a proper Mincraft account, replace \'minecraft.exe\' with cracked exe from archive
5. Extract the files from Tekkit_3.1.2.zip to "C:\\MCportable\\GameFiles"
6. Start the portable launcher - select ram - and play!
If you have done it correctly the tekkit files will reside here - "C:\\MCportable\\GameFiles\\.minecraft" If you want to play online you need to play on offline servers.
Minecraft 1.2.5
FML v2.2.106.176
Minecraft Forge
Optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6
42 Mods Loaded
1. Go here to get the BEST portable launcher available - http://minecraftportable.is-great.net/index.php?p=1_2_Downloads
2. Download 32bit or 64bit version (64bit version is needed in order to use upto 8gb ram)
3. Extract launcher to any folder (even a thumbdrive) eg. "c:\\MCPortable"
4. If you dont own a proper Mincraft account, replace \'minecraft.exe\' with cracked exe from archive
5. Extract the files from Tekkit_3.1.2.zip to "C:\\MCportable\\GameFiles"
6. Start the portable launcher - select ram - and play!
If you have done it correctly the tekkit files will reside here - "C:\\MCportable\\GameFiles\\.minecraft" If you want to play online you need to play on offline servers.