"This is a story based on a series of anecdotes named Damaged Goods by an anonymous person. While the truth of the stories are uncertain, many have sworn by it."
Here is a nice little visual novel who's story was inspired by a nurse (nicknamed Nurse-kun) who posted on 4chan's /b/ board for years about a little 7 year old girl (nicknamed Ampu-tan) who was in a severe car accident which took her parents, and even limbs. Sadly, Project Scarred was never finished, leaving it at a work in progress, though mostly complete (it's missing real CGs and BGM, so placeholders are there, but they're good nevertheless). You can view the trailer teaser for the VN at I'm uploading this because the site, and along with it the project, was seemingly abandoned in 2008 (it's a few days from 2013 at the time of this writing), and I couldn't find any backups or torrents of this VN elsewhere, so to preserve it I decided to upload it here.
I've also uploaded a copy of an archive of Damaged Goods (the series of 4chan threads that inspired this VN) that was "rescued" beforewas shut down. You can download it from https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7970854 if you'd like to see what inspired this (interesting fact: Scarred likely had a huge influence on Katawa Shoujo, 4chan's first "complete" VN and one of the most well known English ones out there).
http://abstractnonsense.info/scarred/about.html (original site)
https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Nurse-kun (satire website, but informative)