Title: Miner Wars 2081
Genre: action / shooter / sci-fi
Released: 28th November 2012
Developer: Keen Software House
Publisher: Keen Software House
Miner Wars 2081 is a 6DOF action-survival space-shooter simulation-game set in the year 2081, 10 years after the destruction of all planetary objects in the Solar System.
You operate an advanced mining ship in a fully destructible and open-world environment, which remains persistent as you complete missions or play online with others. Realism and survival are key aspects of gameplay. Inventory and the way you use resources such as fuel, ammunition, oxygen, ore, and weapons are important when surrounded by dozens of warring factions.
Miner Wars runs on the VRAGE engine (voxel engine), built and tailored specifically for the title.
Recommended Specs
CPU: 2.5 GHz
Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce GTX 460 or better
Video Memory: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 3 GB
Windows XP SP3 (32bit), Windows XP SP1 (64bit), Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32bit), Windows Server 2003 SP2 (64bit), Windows Vista SP1 (32bit), Windows Vista SP1 (64bit), Windows 7 (all versions), Windows Server 2008 (all versions)
DirectX: DX9.0c or DX10
How to play:
1) Run setup_miner_wars_2081.exe and install the game;
2) Start the game using MinerWarsLauncher.exe or its shortcuts;
! Warning
Only the single-player campaign works! No multiplayer, no editor.
! Notice
Before starting the game, make sure you check and install the needed utilities from the Redist folder.
! Notice
To change your in-game name use the Name Changer utility from where you installed the game or edit rev.ini manually with your favourite text editor.
If you like the game, BUY it!