Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman (2012) [FLT]
Description: =
Three years ago, FBI agent Erica Reed lost her brother to a serial killer
who was never caught. During this desperate investigation, she developed
the strange and unpredictable power of post-cognition: by touching an
object, she can see its past and the events that happened on, to, or around
it. Though undeniably useful in her line of work, this skill makes her
uneasy and has caused her problems professionally and personally. Now a new
serial killer is on the move one who leaves behind clues perfectly suited
to Agent Reed's unique abilities. Has someone learned her secret? What do
they want from her? More importantly: by working this case, will Erica
finally uncover enough evidence to bring her brother's killer to justice?
RePack Details: =
* Audio, Video 100 % Quality
* Nothing was ripped
* Crack installed from {FLT}
Instructions: =
* Install
* Play
Screenshot: =
Description: =
Three years ago, FBI agent Erica Reed lost her brother to a serial killer
who was never caught. During this desperate investigation, she developed
the strange and unpredictable power of post-cognition: by touching an
object, she can see its past and the events that happened on, to, or around
it. Though undeniably useful in her line of work, this skill makes her
uneasy and has caused her problems professionally and personally. Now a new
serial killer is on the move one who leaves behind clues perfectly suited
to Agent Reed's unique abilities. Has someone learned her secret? What do
they want from her? More importantly: by working this case, will Erica
finally uncover enough evidence to bring her brother's killer to justice?
RePack Details: =
* Audio, Video 100 % Quality
* Nothing was ripped
* Crack installed from {FLT}
Instructions: =
* Install
* Play
Screenshot: =